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This herb has occupied the shelves of every Indian kitchen since 6000 years and is considered as king of kitchen. It is used daily in cooking. Apart from cooking it is also used as beauty aid and as a dye.

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) belongs to Zingiberacae family and is a perennial plant that grows 3 to 5 feet high in the tropical regions. In India it is grown al lover but specially in Bengal, Bombay and in Tamilnadu. In Hindi turmeric is known as haldi. The rhizomes or roots of this plant are used as medicine and for other purposes. The rhizomes are boiled, dried and then powdered. This powder is used for all purposes.

The active chemical component of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is a strong antioxidant and reduces inflammation by reducing histamine levels. Curcumin protects liver, reduces cholesterol, and prevents internal blood clotting thus preventing heart attacks and liver tissue damages. Turmeric is very safe but special precautions should be taken in persons who have gall stones, hyperacidity, stomach ulcers and obstructive jaundice.

Medicinal properties Effects of Turmeric:

On Liver
This herb is used to purify blood and prevent it from clotting. It is extensively used to protect liver from toxins and microbial. Turmeric increases the secretion of bile, promotes free flow of bile. This herb can be used to overcome toxic effects of alcohol on liver. This reduces cholesterol and protects heart.

On respiratory system
Turmeric is very effective in bronchitis, productive cough and asthma. One spoon of turmeric boiled in milk should be consumed with a spoon of pure ghee in conditions like bronchitis, asthma and productive cough. This gives very good relief and expectorates excessively produced mucous in lungs.

On ageing
The antioxidant properties of turmeric give us young looks and make us to feel young. It reduces inflammation in joints, protects the heart, reduces cholesterol and keeps us very healthy.

On Diabetes
It is widely used in ayurvedic preparations for diabetes. It lowers the blood sugar and increases glucose metabolism.

On Uterus
It initiates regular menstrual cycle and reduces menstrual cramps.

On skin
Blood nourishes the skin and it is known fact that pure blood always keeps the skin glowing and radiant. Turmeric purifies blood, nourishes skin and gives it a healthy natural glow and radiance.

On Stomach and Intestines
Turmeric enhances digestion, normalizes metabolism and expels intestinal parasites

On Wounds
Turmeric accelerates healing process and readily reduces pain and inflammation. Thick Paste of turmeric applied on wounds acts as an excellent antibiotic and anti inflammatory.

Posted In : Herb Dictionary

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