• Chinese Herbal Teas Explained
    Chinese Herbal Teas Explained

    Chinese herbal teas are technically called Tisanes. These are recognized as infusions made herbs and not tea from the Camelia Sinensis plant. The essence of the herb is extracted when the tea is steeped in hot water. Traditionally, the Chinese herbal teas are used for their medicinal and healing properties. However, there are many varieties that are also enjoyed simply for their taste. Today, these teas can be bought in China as the country produces an entire pharmacy of herbs. The Benefits of Chinese Herbal Tea One of the well-known benefits of Chinese herbal tea is that it offers the tea drinker caffeine free alternatives. Many of them are considered to be very soothing and comforting.…

  • Brewing and Drinking Green Tea
    Brewing and Drinking Green Tea

    The art of brewing and drinking green tea has been around for centuries. In fact, green tea has been used for many different tea ceremonies in China and Japan. In these countries, there are rituals that must be followed and tools that must be used in brewing tea to be served to guests. The Japanese tea ceremony, for example, is steeped in tradition, and is still used to celebrate special occasions today. The tea traditionally used for a Japanese tea ceremony is called Macha, a powdered green tea. In Japan, emphasis is placed on the ceremony itself, rather than the taste of the tea. Today’s Japanese tea ceremonies typically last about 45 minutes, but in years past a tea ceremony could last…

  • Herbs in Infusions, Teas, or Decoctions
    Herbs in Infusions, Teas, or Decoctions

    Recently it has been shown that high herbal tea and quality teas have many health benefits, especially Black and Green Tea. With all the news on Black and Green Tea lately, you may be considering adding it to your daily diet regime. If that is so, only use the best quality and freshest tea available for the maximum health benefits. Also consider the health benefits of herbal teas using fresh herbs. Think of these as herbal medicine. Millions of people all of the world have been drinking tea and infusions for centuries specifically for herbal medicine. In America, it has been considered a cheap convenient drink for soothing the soul and stimulating the senses. Yet there is a far more…

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