• The Many Different Forms of Herbal Medicine
    The  Many Different Forms of Herbal Medicine

    Although there are a lot of positive things to be said when it comes to herbal medicine, is still an undeniable fact however that what we proof we have is not yet enough to make taking herbal medicine completely safe. Hence, when you’re about to try out herbal medicine please make sure to check with your doctor first if what you’re doing wouldn’t be harmful to your body. Secondly, it’s better to be able to identify the different forms of herbal medicine so you’d know if what you’re taking is the real thing or not. Essence – This is also one of the most popular forms that herbal medicine takes. Herbs in essential oils are processed through cold pressing or steam…

  • The Many Uses of Natural Herbal Remedies and Oils
    The Many Uses of Natural Herbal Remedies and Oils

    Now a days, there is a variety of essential oils, roots, and herbs available to support healthy living.  These natural products can be used for treating ailments, flavoring your food, skin care, create perfumes, and manufacture environmentally safe cleaning products. If you do not have room for a garden, a few herbs planted by a sunny window are enough to get you started.  Subsequently, all you will need then are some essential oils and you are ready to embark on a wonderful journey to natural herbal remedies and medicine. Essential oils versus blended oils. The first to consider is the essential oils.  Only the purest oils will do for therapeutic purposes.  Do not be fooled into…

  • Herbal Remedies that are Good for Allergies
    Herbal Remedies that are Good for Allergies

    Have you ever wondered why allergies occurs? Allergies are caused when the body over reacts to certain substances like pollen, ragweed, animal dander, certain foods, like nuts, eggs, milk, chocolate. Substances which cause allergies are called allergens. When the body’s immune system identifies these foreign invaders, it sends out antibodies to get rid of them. Usually, the amount of antibodies sent out is proportional to the amount of allergen. Allergies occur when the body over reacts and sends too many antibodies, which attack the allergen and the body’s own tissue. This causes the symptoms of allergies, hay fever, itchy skin, they can be light and very annoying , runny nose itchy…

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