• Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alternative Herbal Medicines
    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alternative Herbal Medicines

    Alternative herbal medicines are considered to be the best solution to address the growing number of health-related concerns today. Rather than making use of synthetic medications commonly prescribed by their doctors, smart consumers today are looking for an alternative solution to address their health problems without having to dish out hundreds of dollars for treatment, as well as potential allergic reactions to the chemicals used on synthetic products. Before starting out on your journey towards alternative healing, it would be best to know the advantages and disadvantages of herbal medicines to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth in addressing your health-related…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Herbs for Women
    A Beginner’s Guide to Herbs for Women

    It can be difficult to wade through all the herbs that are out there. What ones are good for what and when are they beneficial. It becomes even more complex when we throw all the different herbal formulas and vitamins into the mix. If you are going to use more than one or two natural health products, it is important that you do your own research on each product and the individual ingredients or you consult a natural health coach that can guide you through the process of deciding what to take and how to take it. Of course, even if you do use the service of a trained guide, it is wise to never let anyone be your sole source of information. Whether herbs or drugs, be sure to have a clear…

  • A Look Into the History of Herbs
    A Look Into the History of Herbs

    The world of today is a world of progress, no one doubts about that. We have managed to do in 200 years of continuous industrial revolution, what we couldn’t do in thousands and thousands of tumultuous history. And yet, with all these technological breakdowns and synthetic substances, artificial food, not to mention the reign of King Plastic, some people still find the power and the wisdom to ask themselves how people in the past remained healthy and fit without nutritional supplements, drugs, even antibiotics. Their secret was that that they used what Mother Nature gave them: the plants to cure themselves. Fortunately, this knowledge hasn’t been forgotten; even if they’re not so…

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